It can be said that there are two types of competition at BCA: academic competition and booth competition. Whether it be during a free or everyday lunch period, BCA students will fight for a seat in a booth at the lower cafeteria. There are eight booths in the lower cafeteria, all equipped with two, plush cushioned sofa chairs and a large table in the middle. Because of the limited number of seats, securing a booth has become a nuanced talent and a competitive endeavor.

Although securing a booth might appear to be a silly or trivial activity, there are actually a variety of reasons why these booths are so important to BCA students. Most importantly, these booths are extremely comfy. “When I have a free I usually tend to go to the lower cafeteria and check if there are booths,” said Hyaemhin Moon, a sophomore in AVPA-V. “I would rather spend my time in a comfy, plush chair than in the upper cafeteria where the chairs are hard, making it harder to concentrate for a longer period of time.”
These booths also give students more privacy as they provide a more intimate setting for socializing and completing work. “I think one of the more significant or prominent advantages of having a booth is that it gives you a more private space to do work which helps me focus,” said Sophie Kim, a sophomore in ACAHA. “The booths also help create a space where I can enjoy free time with my friends. It is the most ideal spot to take a nap or enjoy your time. And I like to eat lunch in a booth because then I can sit right next to my friends. This allows me to hear them better because it’s usually very noisy during lunch time in the lower cafeteria.”

As a result of the benefits from these booths, these seats are highly coveted by students. In fact, oftentimes there is not a booth available due to the competitive nature of securing a booth. Hyaemhin said, “It’s definitely competitive to get a booth. People who have experience with trying to get booths know that arriving in a lower cafeteria before that period ends allows time for you to ask students that are already in those seats if you can take their spot for the next period.”
Another aspect that toughens the competition includes students’ desire to maintain their seats in these booths for as long as possible. “There are a few people at BCA that hog and use certain methods to save multiple booths,” said Sophie. “Personally, I do not agree with this method because it’s not very mindful of others. However, I do think it goes to show how badly people want the booth.”

An important aspect of the booths is being able to share the large space with friends and other students. Hence, if the entirety of a booth is not being used or taken advantage of, that can add to the increased difficulty of securing a spot. “One booth can seat at least three people,” said Hyaemhin. “In my opinion, it is a little selfish to use an entire booth for only one person. I think not sitting in a booth by yourself can be considered an unspoken rule–at least regarding my grade.”
In previous years, BCA placed additional booths in the basement. Sophie said, “I think adding more booths could be more helpful to give students another option as to where to spend their free time or study. I can definitely see myself and my friends hanging out there and doing homework.” On the other hand, other students disagreed with the possible benefits of implementing booths in the basement again. “I don’t think adding more booths will reduce the competitiveness because more and more people will try to grab a booth and there would be more commotion in that hallway,” said Hyaemhin. “I know sports meet in the basement too, so that could add to the chaos, making the basement even more hectic. Also, having other booths could decrease the appeal of booths in general at BCA.”
Essentially, whether to take a nap, eat, or enjoy time talking and working with friends, booths at BCA’s lower cafeteria have evolved into centers for socializing and relaxation. Although the competitiveness for securing a seat in the booths have increased, these booths continue to be a place of enjoyment and comfort that is shared by the BCA community.