An essential hydration tool or an oversized sippy cup? The Stanley cup is the new, up-and-coming icon of the consumerism industry and currently, Gen Z’s latest obsession. Not to be confused with...
As school comes to a close, one of the many end-of-year traditions at BCA is the AVPA-T senior directed One Acts Play Festival. Though attending one acts as an audience member is a fun experience for...
Amidst the chill of winter, BCA held its Winter Pep Rally on Friday, February 9th. The Winter Pep Rally is organized by the BCA student council and aims...
Amidst BCA’s busy academic culture, where else do students turn to take a break? From math problems, to essays, to research presentations; despite the academic coursework...
As images of beautiful sunsets, fields of flowers, and mesmerizing beaches grace our screens, it's easy to forget the harsh reality facing our planet. Behind this...
After a long school day, most BCA students crave something sweet to recharge their energy for their after-school activities. It’s a familiar sight to see bake sales hosted...
Ishika Ranka, Journalist
May 29, 2024
Bergen County Academies, known for its diverse and talented student body, recently conducted a survey, given by the Academy Chronicle, to uncover the celebrities...
Cafeteria Critiques: Student Thoughts About BCA’s Lunch Options
April 24, 2024
A Guide to the Hangout Spots of BCA
March 27, 2024
May 17, 2024
Imagine an evening at a grand concert hall, where the quiet murmur of an audience fills the air. The musicians hold their instruments, waiting for the sign of the conductor....
Students’ Opinion: Are Energy Drinks A Necessary Evil?
February 26, 2024
December 13, 2023