Meet the President and Vice President: Brian Kehoe and Michael Murphy

Brian Kehoe (ABF 2018) and Michael Murphy (ABF 2019) have recently began leading BCA as our new StuCo President and Vice President respectively. Often recognized for their incredible oratory skills, both Kehoe and Murphy have gained immense support for their warm personalities and exceptional campaigns.

In this exclusive interview, the Chronicle was able to gain an insight into their future plans with BCA’s Student Council.

What is one unique goal that you want to achieve while in office that hasn’t already been introduced to the BCA StuCo agenda in the past?

Kehoe: I want to create a day, sort of like IDA, except specifically designed to support mental health awareness.


Murphy: One of the biggest things that Brian and I are trying to do together – in an almost co-campaign – is, first of all, improve lunches. We realize that there is such a lack of options available in the upper cafeteria. What we’ve already started doing is working with some of the marketing and business teams in our school to see if we can learn more about the contracts and the various other necessities that are required in order to get a new contract.

Also, I want to instill more school spirit. We have a brand new year coming up and there is absolutely zero  awareness of when sports games are happening or when any sort of school event is coming up. We need to have days when we can really express our love for BCA.


What do you think made your campaign stand out from the rest? What do you think led to your victories in the StuCo elections?

Kehoe: I think my campaign video won people over, specifically, my subtle allusions to beastiality with an American eagle.


Murphy: I think it was mostly just word of mouth. I can’t say that I did exceptional or outstanding, but I certainly did try. When we were going through the speeches, even though I had such limited time – I had 30 seconds – I feel like I did make an impact by sounding clever and looking professional. I think that had the biggest impact, if I have to pinpoint a single thing.


How would you describe your relationship with other members of StuCo and how does that benefit your collaborative work in StuCo?

Kehoe: STUCO is an incredible group of talented, driven people. The current and former members all get along really well, and part of what makes us work so well together is the feeling that we’re all part of a greater whole, one family.


Murphy: I absolutely love StuCo. We’re a family and the best days I’ve ever had was with them. It’s so much fun. Even with Mr. Zhang – he is like our big dad.

Overall, I think that our environment is one of best of any organization that there is at BCA. Everyone has a sense of priority- like this is my task, this is what has to be done- and everyone understands it has a lot of potential and value. You don’t want to screw up, so it builds a lot of pressure, and that pressure bounces off between each other. Therefore,we really do grow together when we work after school in various events.

If you had to choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be?

Kehoe: Uh… I don’t know… overcompensating.


Murphy: I do believe I’m passionate, but I think that I’ll usually say large. This is because large encompasses so many different aspects: I am large hearted, I want to believe that I am large-brained in terms of decision making and various other things, and I try and make a large presence.


Can you give the BCA community any encouraging message to pull through the rest of the school year?


Kehoe: Sleep more!


Murphy: I have to say, I love all of you guys and I am so excited for the summer. I know you guys are excited for the summer, so just think about your goals ahead, think positively, approach everything with an open mind, close PowerSchool for a couple of days, and just enjoy your time with your friends before you go.


We are sure that Brian Kehoe, Michael Murphy, and the Student Council will make great improvements to our school within the next year. Make sure to catch them in the hallways if you have any questions and comments or if you simply want to say hello!